Monday, February 17, 2020

Biography: Night Driving

I once had a friend that was had a blindness when night driving. After dinner, they asked one of us to drive us all back home. Apparently, they claimed to be blind when night driving. Unfortunately, we didn't believe them, and we made them drive. They went to make a turn, and they told me they took a mental note that they usually turn too wide. So in this instance, they intentionally made a sharper angle for the left turn. Unfortunately, there was a median, so they needed to take it wider. We immediately are looking at oncoming traffic, and my friend swerves right and hits a street sign in the median. That's was the last time we made them drive at night!

Note: I wanted to tell the scary story of crashing with my friend driving at night. I never knew they had night blindness, but I will never underestimate that again!

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