Friday, February 21, 2020

Mahabharata PDE Part D

Mahabharata Online: Public Domain Edition Part D

Bhishma is killed in battle. Abhimanyu is killed while trapped alone behind the enemy lines, and Arjuna seeks revenge. Many loved ones are lost and the pandavas use trickery to their advantage.

Karna takes command of the bad army, and Bhima seeks revenge for the treatment of draupadi. Arjuna kills karna after a long battle.

Many warriors seek revenge and attack throughout the night. Bhishma gets to choose the moment of his death, so he waits so that he can instruct the survivors on how to rule the kingdom before he goes. Yudhistra seeks kingship by a horse sacrifice. After Krishna's death, the Pandavas and Draupadi decide to leave earth and leave the kingdom in the hands of Parikshit, Arjuna's grandson. Yudistra must pass a final test. He goes to hell to be united with his brothers and this is followed by then all going ot heaven and Dyrod going to hell.

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