Thursday, January 9, 2020

Home, My Favorite Place

Home House Building photo by Dsndrn-Videolar

I chose this picture because each home is different, and the idea of home is fluid to me. For the majority of my life, home has been a nice house with my parents in Oklahoma. That home has treated me well and if needed be, I could call it home for the rest of my life. Most likely, that will not be the case, and my physical home will change many times throughout my life. What I call home has already changed a few times, whether that be the couple of houses I've lived in while growing up, or the couple of houses I've stayed at while interning across the country. Regardless of what physical house I am currently living out of, home will most likely be my favorite place. Home will be where I am comfortable sleeping in until noon. Home will be where I perform my morning routine to look professional for work. Home will be where my family and friends are welcome. Home will be where I can return to regardless of how difficult the day was. My favorite place may change throughout my life, but my favorite place may also remain exactly the same as it is.


  1. YES! As someone who works from home (!), I can totally endorse this post, Dylan! I don't return to home at the end of the day... I get to be here the whole time! At first I thought it might feel weird to work from home, but for me it's turned out to be a fabulous experience. I hang out with friends and colleagues at Twitter, etc., but I can also go outside for a walk whenever I want. Or stay in pajamas until noon. Or later, ha ha. No one knows but me and husband (and he's sworn to secrecy). I hope you will enjoy the process of finding the space that works best for you in terms of doing the work for this class. :-)

  2. Hi Dylan,
    Aweee! This is an awesome post. Never would I think something general such as "home" as a favorite place. I had put down OKC as one of mine, but very true with your idea of generalizing them. I know wherever I find my next home, it will become my new favorite place, and I won't ever want to leave.
    Man... this break I have been sleeping to noon every day and taking like 3 naps a day! I hope to see more pictures of your true home right now and learn more about you!
